7th Scientific Day of the Institut Santé-Travail Paris-Est (IST-PE)

Thursday, 18 November, 2021

7th Scientific Day of the Institut Santé-Travail Paris-Est (IST-PE)

40 avenue de Verdun 94000 Créteil ou en distanciel
Public : oui
Auditorium du Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil
The seventh Scientific Day of the Institut Santé-Travail Paris-Est will take place on Thursday 18 November 2021. The topic of the day will be "Health, Work & the Healthcare Environment". The day will begin with an introductory conference which will be followed by three theme-based sessions: "Quality of life at work in healthcare environments", "Occupational exposure" and "Health aspects". Work in a healthcare environment concerns a very wide range of medical and paramedical professionals, in a variety of contexts (public or private hospitals, private practice, services to individuals). In addition to biological risks, which have recently come to the fore, workers are confronted with many other occupational risks (physical, organisational, and psychosocial). The aim of this event is to address, in specific theme-based sessions, recent data on occupational exposures in this sector of activity, results concerning health data for this type of worker, and presentations relating to the quality of life at work in care-based settings. The Day is intended for the many actors concerned by occupational health, workers from the various care environments, whether they are researchers, occupational health workers, institutions, social partners, management or human resource workers. Participation in this day-long event is free of charge, but for organisational and security reasons, registration is required before 1 October by contacting Ms Julie CAPON - Julie.Capon@chicreteil.fr - 01 57 02 28 77 The Organizing Committee : Pascal ANDUJAR - Milia BELACEL - Jean-Baptiste BOUDIN-LESTIENNE - Jean-Claude PAIRON Scientific Committee : Henri BASTOS - Christos CHOUAÏD - Gérard LASFARGUES - Mélina LE BARBIER - Corinne MANDIN - Jean-Claude PAIRON
International Symposium about the credibility of scientific expertise and public decision-making

Wednesday, 20 January, 2021 to Tuesday, 9 February, 2021

International Symposium about the credibility of scientific expertise and public decision-making

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In the late 1990s, a series of crises led the European Union and some of its Member States to reform the organisation of scientific expertise contributing to the governance of health risks. Despite these reforms, the health authorities sometimes see their opinions challenged in various arenas (societal, media, scientific, political) and have to deal with the greater complexity of the issues to be addressed in a globalised world – management of the current pandemic provides new examples of this. Bringing together mainly social science researchers from Europe and North America, the international symposium on "Credibility of scientific expertise and public decision-making" seeks to consider two central questions: What determines whether or not scientific expertise is credible? What factors contribute to the credibility of the knowledge and information mobilised for public decision-making? Due to the health context, the symposium initially planned for July 2020 will now take place in early 2021 as a virtual event. Registration will open by mid-December, when the detailed programme will be available. To review the plenary sessions and workshops now, click on the corresponding links in the interactive programme below: Interactive Programme (PDF)
ANSES Scientific Conference – New Prospects for Vector Control of Pathogens

Thursday, 17 December, 2020

ANSES Scientific Conference – New Prospects for Vector Control of Pathogens

From 10AM to 12AM
Public : oui
Fighting pathogen vectors, including mosquitoes and ticks, is essential to prevent and reduce at the source serious pathologies that still threaten human health on a global scale. The use of chemical mosquito insecticides, with their successes and failures, is emblematic of the challenges that research must face in preparing future vector control strategies. On the morning of Thursday December 17 2020, from 10am to 12pm, ANSES is organising a digital-format scientific conference on the topic of vector control. Its aim is to report on the results of the National Plan for Research on Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR EST) on this challenging subject. The conference will begin with an overview of recent research on new approaches to vector control, including specific insect viruses acting in synergy with insecticides, and the use of attractant substances to trap mosquitoes. Then the characterisation and dynamics of resistance to insecticides in mosquito populations will be discussed. This research, funded by the PNR EST seeks to address the multiple challenges of integrated vector management. At the end of the morning, a review of the literature on the sterile insect technique (SIT) and the incompatible insect technique (IIT) will be presented, shedding a new light on the effectiveness of these two control methods. This work is funded by ANSES under a specific research and development agreement. In organising this conference, ANSES hopes to contribute to informing and mobilising the relevant actors – whether scientists, decision makers or professionals on the ground –, with regard to this issue. The objective is to explore new avenues to address the challenges of integrated vector control, improve its effectiveness and limit its impacts, in particular through preventing insecticide resistance. Webinar - Thursday 17 December 2020 from 10am to 12pm - #AnsesRecherche Replay (in French)
ANSES Scientific Encounters - Antimicrobial resistance in animal health and in the environment

Wednesday, 18 November, 2020

ANSES Scientific Encounters - Antimicrobial resistance in animal health and in the environment

10am to 12aù
Public : oui
For World Antibiotic Information Day and European Antibiotic Resistance Day, ANSES is holding a Scientific Encounter on resistance to antimicrobials. During this event, which will be held remotely due to the current health crisis, ANSES will review the most recent findings on antimicrobial resistance in animals (Résapath report) and antimicrobial use in veterinary medicine. The Agency, in its capacity as the National Reference Laboratory for antimicrobial resistance, will also present the results of the European surveillance plan. At morning’s end, the conclusions of ANSES's scientific expert opinion on antimicrobial resistance in the environment will be presented. They will include the latest findings on environmental contamination by antibiotics and resistant pathogenic bacteria, and an understanding of the mechanisms favouring antimicrobial resistance in the latter. This Scientific Encounter is an integral part of the implementation of the interministerial roadmap adopted on 18 November 2016, which aims to reinforce and to coordinate efforts to more effectively fight antimicrobial resistance in both the human and non-human sectors. With this event, ANSES hopes to help inform and motivate all the relevant stakeholders – whether scientists, policy makers or professionals in the field – regarding this key issue, and to explore new ways to improve antibiotics use in veterinary medicine while limiting their impact. This webinar was held in French only. Wednesday 18 November 2020 from 10am to 12pm
ANSES in attendance at the 2020 Paris International Agricultural Show

Saturday, 22 February, 2020 to Sunday, 1 March, 2020

ANSES in attendance at the 2020 Paris International Agricultural Show

From 9am to 7pm
Parc des expositions - Porte de Versailles, Paris - Hall 4, Allée B, stand n°118
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Porte de Versailles, Paris 15e
For this 2020 edition of the Paris International Agricultural Show, ANSES is offering an insider's view of plant life and ecosystems. Today, we are facing multiple changes to our environment and lifestyles. ANSES applies its scientific expertise to current challenges, in particular those relating to plant health and the impacts on agriculture, human health and biodiversity. The Agency's objectives include preventing the emergence or introduction of pests that affect plants and ecosystems, combating invasive plants, reducing the impact of pesticide use and better protecting humans and the environment. The start of the International Year of Plant Health is the perfect time to remember that everything is interconnected and a holistic view is essential in order to preserve our health and ecosystems. The Agency celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2020! The Paris International Agricultural Show provides an ideal opportunity to reflect on the decade's major events and achievements, which have now made ANSES a major national agency committed to safeguarding health for all. For the past 10 years, the Agency has worked tirelessly to assess health risks and advance scientific knowledge to protect people and the environment. From February 22 to 1 March 2020, ANSES invites you to its stand at the Show to find out about the issues affecting plant health and its work to protect plants and ecosystems. The programme includes encounters and discoveries of the Agency's missions, with interactive scientific exhibitions and activities. Events on the ANSES stand to tell you everything you want to know about plant health.
Interministerial symposium Antibiotic resistance

Wednesday, 20 November, 2019

Interministerial symposium Antibiotic resistance

Amphithéâtre Laroque -14, avenue Duquesne - 75007 PARIS
Public : oui
Ministère des Solidarités et de la santé
The monitoring of antimicrobial drug use data and of the development of antimicrobial resistance is an essential tool enabling implementation of a coherent policy to combat antimicrobial resistance. On Wednesday November 20th , in the framework of European Antibiotic Awareness Day, the Ministries of Ecology, Health & Solidarity, and Food & Agriculture are holding an interministerial symposium on this topic in Paris. The first part of the symposium will be devoted to the European Agencies’ views on these issues. The second part will concentrate on showing how the monitoring data available in France aids public authorities in adjusting their national strategy. The third round table will present examples of real-life initiatives in the fight against antimicrobial resistance using monitoring data. The symposium will conclude with discussions on the outlook for the future and ways to optimise the use of data in combating antimicrobial resistance. Jean-Yves Madec, ANSES’s Scientific director in charge of antimicrobial resistance, will take part in the late morning round-table session on “Data for national action ”. For the symposium, ANSES is publishing two reports on antimicrobial resistance and animal health.
Event for scientific discussion and reflection

Wednesday, 27 November, 2019 to Thursday, 28 November, 2019

Event for scientific discussion and reflection

1000, Avenue Agropolis - 34394 Montpellier CEDEX 5
Public : oui
Agropolis International
The Vectopole Sud and ANSES join together to present a two-day event for scientific discussion and reflection on: “Innovations for the surveillance and control of vectors and pests” This event will be held at the Agropolis International in Montpellier on the 27th and 28th of November 2019 . Scientific presentations followed by workshops will identify research needs in four different areas: vector and pest resistance to insecticides; new control methods for pathogen vectors and agricultural pests; entomological surveillance; entomological and epidemiological indicators of the efficacy of vector control. Presentations will provide an overview of the activities of the Vectopole Sud network and ANSES's "Vectors" mission. Registration is free of charge - but required!
International ANSES-EFSA Scientific Conference Day

Monday, 9 December, 2019

International ANSES-EFSA Scientific Conference Day

54 Quai de la Rapée, 75012 Paris
Public : oui
Maison de la RATP - Paris 12 ème
ANSES and EFSA are hosting an International Scientific Conference Day devoted to bee health and to the contribution of risk assessment research to the field . This is the 8th scientific event of this kind to be held on the topic of bee health and it will be co-hosted for the first time with the European Food Safety Authority. Approximately 300 people will attend the event and it will be an opportunity to highlight the synergy that we have fostered over time and the common vision that we share regarding the preservation of bee health and that of other pollinating insects. The purpose of this conference, which is open to a broad audience including bee keepers, research scientists, public decision-makers, private enterprises, and professional and media representatives, is to review the constructive proposals of both of our entities on the assessment of plant protection products and their impact on the health of bees and other pollinating insects. This event will also be devoted to presenting the research results of our Sophia Antipolis laboratory, with is also the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for bee health, and the recent development at EFSA on holistic risk assessments of bee health including modelling and stakeholders’ engagement. A large part of the day will be given over to debate and discussion with the scientists from both ANSES and EFSA as well as with French and European stakeholders. The round-table at day’s end will be on the following topic: “Towards sustainable bee-keeping and agriculture: the need for alternative treatment methods and closer collaboration between bee-keepers and farmers”. It will be an opportunity for a wide range of players to present the worthy initiatives they have implemented at the regional level to improve the quality of the environment and preserve bee health. The event will be held at the Maison de la RATP (12 th arrondissement of Paris). As the number of attendees is limited, we advise you to sign up as soon as possible to be sure you will be able to share this day of information and discussion with us. Registration is closed but remains possible on the day of the event with our hostesses depending on the number of places available. Look at the conference! Click here
Scientific Conference - ANSES & ADEME

Thursday, 17 October, 2019

Scientific Conference - ANSES & ADEME

17 boulevard Jourdan - Paris 14
Public : oui
Cité universitaire, Paris
On 17 October 2019, ANSES and ADEME will join together to host a one-day conference event to present the results of research projects funded by the two institutions on the topic of indoor and outdoor air quality. More specifically, recent scientific advances will be presented regarding the characterisation of pollutant sources, exposure to substances of high concern, effects on human health and means of action. Please note that while this event is free of charge, registration is mandatory. This event will be held in French only. Registration are closed. Contact (information only).
Toxicological Risk Assessment of plant protection products workshop

Tuesday, 13 March, 2018 to Wednesday, 14 March, 2018

Toxicological Risk Assessment of plant protection products workshop

14 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 94700 Maisons-Alfort
Public : non
On 13 and 14 March 2018, the Regulated Products Assessment Department (DEPR) of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) hosted a Workshop on Toxicological Risk Assessment of Plant Protection Products. The organising committee for the event was made up of ANSES along with the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Commission (Directorate-General Health and Food Safety). This Workshop was a follow-up to one hosted by AGES in 2015. The meeting was attended by participants from the regulatory authorities of some 20 European countries, plus representatives of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Commission and stakeholders. Central topics were: exposure assessment of operators, workers, bystanders and residents; estimating dermal absorption of products as part of exposure assessment; the assessment of cumulative and combined risks; the toxicological classification of plant protection products; consideration of co-formulants. The principal conclusions of the Workshop were: the harmonisation of risk assessment methods should be continued; areas for improvement have been identified, in particular situations where the estimation of exposure needs to be better harmonised between Member States; the adoption of harmonised methodology to facilitate the implementation of combined risk assessment; the new European guidance document on the estimation of dermal absorption will reinforce the harmonisation and robustness of evaluations; harmonised guidelines must be adopted for alternatives to animal testing in the evaluation
